What does Laser Tattoo Removal feel like?

The sensation of the laser light on skin is uncomfortable - it may feel like a slight pinprick or the sensation of heat. Your clinician at FADE will make sure that your treatment is as comfortable as possible. We use cooling air throughout your treatment, and we advise on afterare and treatments such as cooling gels, packs or painkillers that will help make your recovery as smooth as possible.

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Eileen Dunne
Is Laser Tattoo Removal safe?

At FADE, we exclusively use the most advanced Laser Tattoo Removal technology available worldwide - PicoSure®. PicoSure is the world’s first picosecond laser and the only advanced tattoo removal laser with PressureWave™ technology, which works with your body to remove unwanted ink.

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Eileen Dunne
What do I need to do before and after laser tattoo removal treatment?

Here are some pointers on how to get the best from your advanced PicoSure® Laser treatment

The most important factor pre-treatment is sun exposure. We advise that you avoid sun exposure, tanning beds or sunless tanning cream for 4 weeks prior to treatment. Sun exposure decreases the effectiveness of the Laser treatment and can increase the chance of post-treatment complications. Use a broad spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. 

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Eileen Dunne
Does Laser Tattoo Removal work for everyone?

The effectiveness of Laser Tattoo Removal depends on several factors, and there can be some variation in results. However, our clinicians at FADE are highly qualified, and we only offer the most advanced Laser Tattoo Technology on the market - PicoSure®. As such, we’re confident that we’re offering you the best treatment possible if you decide to rethink your ink. The main factors that affect your outcome are your skin type, and your tattoo type. 

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Eileen Dunne
What are the benefits of Laser Tattoo Removal vs. using cream?

Generally, it can be expected that tattoo removal creams will fade ink, but will not remove ink completely. Outlines in particular are slow to respond to creams, and are unlikely to fade effectively. In addition, creams are very slow to act, and typically require months of twice daily application to show results. It is highly unlikely that you would see an effect on the first use.

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Eileen Dunne
Does Laser Tattoo Removal cause blisters?

During treatment with PicoSure® Laser Tattoo Removal, ultra-short (trillionths of a second) pulses target ink particles with PressureWave™ technology - these pulses break the ink into tiny particles. These microscopic particles are more rapidly absorbed and eliminated naturally by the body. Some people will find that blistering occurs in the treated area. With this type of treatment, any blistering is a result of the wave technology - unlike with older technologies, they are not heat-induced burns.  

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Will Laser Tattoo Removal leave a scar?

At FADE, we exclusively offer PicoSure®, the best Laser Tattoo Removal technology available. PicoSure® is designed with safety in mind and incidents of scarring are very rare. Tattoo removal treatments require more energy than skin revitalization and some patients may experience hypopigmentation (a lightening in skin color of the treated area), or hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) but this is usually temporary and normal skin is typically restored once healing is complete, within 1–12 months. There is a slightly higher risk of hypopigmentation in darker skin types.

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Is Laser Tattoo Removal safe during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

When it comes to Laser Tattoo Removal during pregnancy or breastfeeding, we recommend speaking with your GP, and in all cases we will follow their advice. There is no research to suggest that Laser Tattoo Removal is a risk to you or your baby’s health while pregnant. However, as it is impossible to be 100% certain that there is zero risk, as a precaution, our policy is to wait for 3 months after pregnancy before carrying out Laser Tattoo Removal.

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