Why does it take multiple sessions to remove a tattoo?


Ink Regret

If you have a tattoo that you would rather leave in the past, Laser Tattoo Removal offers the fastest and most effective route to ink-free skin. Statistics show that ‘ink regret’ is rising, with people here in Ireland more likely to rethink their ink than our UK neighbours. This may be linked to the fact that tattoos are so popular now, with 40% of people between the age of 18 and 39 tattooed in this country.

PicoSure® Tattoo Removal at FADE

FADE clients can say goodbye to unwanted tattoos with PicoSure® Laser Tattoo Removal technology - the most advanced available worldwide.

PicoSure® is the latest laser when it comes to Tattoo Removal. Utilising advanced technology that is both safe and extremely efficient, PicoSure targets the tattoo with pulses of laser energy. During this treatment, the tattoo ink absorbs the super fast wavelength, shattering the ink into tiny pieces, which is then eliminated naturally by your body. Unlike the old Q Switched lasers, the laser beam does not have time to heat up the ink and therefor leaves little to no ‘ghosting’ where the tattoo was present.

How does the Laser work, and how long does it take?

Even with the most advanced of technology, Laser Tattoo Removal still takes time. However with the PicoSure® laser the number of treatments is reduced. The number of laser tattoo removal treatments will depend on the amount, colour and type of tattoo ink, the depth of tattoo ink into the skin and the method of tattoo application.

Not only does the PicoSure® laser erase black and grey ink at twice or three times the speed of the older technologies, it also targets all colours of tattoo ink, including varying shades of greens and blues. This is significant because these colours have traditionally proven to be difficult to remove using other older methods of tattoo removal. We see people coming in with coloured tattoos with just the green and the purple remaining after many sessions over the years with older technology.

PicoSure® is also effective in removing traces of tattoos that were not completely removed by other modes of tattoo removal. Even after multiple sessions with the older lasers there can be stubborn ink. Here at FADE we use the boost functionality on these stubborn areas allowing us to delve deep into the unwanted ink and break it up, without harming the surrounding tissue.

While previous laser removal treatments required 10 to 20 sessions (with varying success), PicoSure® requires significantly fewer. The tattoo ink is broken into smaller pieces with PicoSure® than with other laser tattoo removal technology. These smaller particles of ink are more quickly eliminated from your body as they are able to be efficiently worked through your system by your white blood cells.

Tattoos made from coloured inks generally only take three to six sessions and those with saturated black ink requires four to eight sessions on average. If the tattoo is old and faded then the process may be quicker but never be convinced by a clinic saying that they have a quick solution. All tattoos take time to erase.

Some Before and After images from our clients at FADE

The quickest and most effective method of erasing a tattoo is the PicoSure® laser. We in FADE have researched this so you don’t have to. We always offer a no obligation free consultation where we set out a plan and a likely timescale for the process.

Tattoo removal with PicoSure® is less painful than other methods, with fewer sessions required –  less required laser removal sessions equate to less pain when it comes to removing your unwanted tattoo. The sessions are generally more expensive than older technologies but as there are less sessions you are likely to work out in or around the same cost but with half the time and effort spent.

When it comes to laser tattoo removal, faster, more effective results is what clients want and are looking for.  The technology is one aspect of the process, albeit the most important one, but there are other considerations. We advise you to look for a clinic that suits you, go and meet with the clinicians and see how you feel. Read reviews, and make absolutely sure that the clinic is using the technology that they say they do. A bone fide PicoSure® Laser is expensive, and cheaper alternatives may not carry appropriate certification, which may affect insurance cover, if applicable.

If you have questions about Laser Tattoo Removal, you can book a Free Consultation with us, and get that unwanted tattoo removed in our Dublin city centre studio.  Please feel free to contact us if you want a no obligation chat about an unwanted tattoo. We are happy to share our experience and give you clear and honest advice.

Eileen Dunne